To become an agile organization, leaders need to undergo their own personal transformation.
Agile cultures will often face uncertainty. This can be unnerving for executives who have spent their entire careers providing answers. Executive teams need to embrace, rather than drive out, ambiguity and uncertainty.
Agile leadership
Leaders need to learn how to systematically transform the economic engines they are accountable for re-invigorating.
As leaders mature, their view of financial responsibility broadens. In the beginning, they master how to attain profit by working within existing systems and business practices. Over time, they begin to innovate new ways to expand its economic engine.
Discovering and sustaining new sources of revenue requires a significant level of maturation. As leaders mature in their business competence, they take on more and more of the responsibility of discovering innovations that revitalize their company’s commercial engine.
Leadership Developmental Stages
Executives grow through 4 stages of development:
Stage I: Egoic Leaders
These leaders may learn to acquire power and manage financial resources, but their methods are characterized by pseudo-integrity. They wear a public mask of politeness and social conformity, but it is contrived. These leaders never outgrow their childhood propensities to be the center of the universe and to use others as means to their ends.
Stage II: Achieving Leaders
These leaders mature to the point of valuing people. Their pursuit of excellence is characterized by fairness, decency and respect. They routinely succeed at their goals because they genuinely value others. Their achievements are a demonstration of their self discipline. As they move ahead in organizational power and influence they build others up as well. Their achievements are built with and through others. Their financial and business skills are exemplary.
Stage III: Servant Leaders
These leaders build their organizations and society in tandem. They use their power and influence to serve and develop others. Those around them grow wiser, more autonomous and independent. These leaders are routinely entrusted with leading and managing institutions of all types and sizes. They are excellent at managing financial and human resources. These leaders become champions for improving the society their companies are embedded in. They give more than they take from their relationships, their companies and the world.
Stage IV: Sourcing (Wise) Leaders
These leaders are characterized by excellence and self mastery. They come to rely on a power greater than themselves. They access Source to gain insight and inspiration on the wisest course of action. People routinely turn to them when new direction is needed. They consistently chart new territory. They participate with the future as it unfolds, shaping and building their institutions out of a sense of destiny and service. They have a noticeable sense of humility. Their financial excellence does not stem from a sense of greed or excess, rather it is an expression of respect for assets entrusted to their care.
Our Leadership Work
Organizational, strategic, and cultural renewal requires leadership.
- We introduce leaders to higher aspects of human development that are less well known, but critically needed for knowledge-creation.
- We teach transformation skills to executives and line leaders. 'Line leaders teach' is our adage. We teach leaders to lead their organizations through the stages of community development.
- We build critical thinking, emotional intelligence, and communal systematic problem solving. We teach organizations to move beyond management by control to management through education.
At a Leader/individual level the work may comprise:
- Self-awareness based leadership practices
- Practices that encourage, perspective taking, deeper questioning and systems thinking
- Performance coaching
- Constructive developmental teaching and Immunity to Change
Let's work together
We are building an ever growing network of thought-leaders, industry pioneers and innovators that share the same mission.